Saint Cyril and Methodius Vice-Province
  Secovce, Slovak Republuc



Sestry Bazilianky
Albinovska, 1010
078 01 Secovce
Tel.: (421) 56 678 2748



   The beginnings of Saints Cyril and Methodius Vice-Province reach back to the time when the monastery Superior in Presov, Slovakia, Sister Magdalena Humeniuk, in consultation with Blessed Bishop Pavlo Gojdic, OSBM blessed and mandated Sisters Pavlina Vasilko, Jozafata Hamorska and Pachomia Petrik to Secovce for ministry among the Byzantine Catholics in Slovakia in 1945. Sisters began teaching in a Middle school and a primary school.

   In 1950, after the Presov Sobor (assembly), which forcibly required the Greek-Catholic clergy and faithful to accept Orthodoxy, Basilian Siters suffered the fate of the Catholic Church, liquidation and exile to the Czech Republic. There Sisters worked in various fields remaining more permanently in Svitavy at the Institute of Social Services. Return to Secovce was impossible even after the "Presov Spring" - Revolution of 1969. With the victory of democracy, returning to Secovce became a reality.

   As various positive and favorable developments converged, on April 10, 1991, the Administration in Rome established Secovce as the center of a new Delegature. Sisters chose Saints Cyril and Methodius, Apostles of Slovakia, for their patrons. The Delegature became a Vice-Province on January 30, 2001.

   In addition, the Vice-Province founded a monastery in Trebisov in 1990 and in Levoce in 1992. They expanded their ministry also to Bratislava and Vranov n/ Topl'ou.

   Through prayer, personal dedication and holy lives Sisters work to attract young women to consecrate themselves for the service of the Lord.


   Following in the footsteps of Saints Cyril and Methodius, the great Evangelizers of the Slavic people and those of our Founders, Saint Basil the Great and Saint Macrina, Sisters center their lives on prayer and dedicated service to the Byzantine Catholic Church and God’s people in the areas of Secovce, Trebisov, Levoca, Bratislava and Vranov nad Topl’ou. By their way of life and work Sisters are the praying, healing and life giving presence to those they serve.

   The Saint Cyril and Methodius Monastery in Secovce, with its beautiful Chapel dedicated to the Three Holy Bishops, is the seat of the Vice-Province leadership and administration. At the Monastery is the novitiate where new members learn the monastic way of life. Young Sister-students who attend institutes of higher education live in this monastery and continue their formation as Basilian Sisters. A majority of the Sisters of the Vice-Province also reside in the monastery in Secovce and conduct their apostolates from this center.

   The different apostolates of the Vice-Province are:

Planning, organizing and conducting youth encounters and meetings with children, which include various spiritual activities with them

Providing and organizing spiritual renewals for students of St. John the Baptist High School

Organizing and providing monthly spiritual renewals for Church Schools teachers

Teaching Bible lessons according to age levels to acquaint the children with the Scriptures according to their capacity to comprehend, as preparation for “Know Your Scriptures” contest

Conduct the Saint Luke School of Iconography

As sacristans care for Liturgical Vestments, bake “prosphora” (communion bread)

Cantor and lead congregational responses during various Liturgical services

Visit the abandoned and sick

Provide services for travelers

Plant and care for a small garden near the monastery

Work for mutual unity between the Roman Catholic and Greek Catholic parishes

Sew and repair liturgical vestments and provide other liturgical items.

   All is done in a spirit of fervor and dedication for God’s greater honor and glory. Through prayer, personal dedication and holy lives Sisters work to attract and encourage young women to choose virginity as a way of life and to consecrate themselves for the service of the Lord. Having entered into the Third Millennium, Sisters await with open hearts and hands for the Holy Spirit to guide them by His inspiration where He will.

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